Mr Andrew Green
Senior Petroleum Geochemist & Basin Modeller
• Proficient geochemical and basin modelling consultant, with worldwide and unconventional experience
• Provides technical geochemical content for IGI’s p:IGI software
• Delivers specialist geochemistry software training courses and provides software user support (p:IGI)
• Manages the content of IGI’s dynamic and interactive geochemistry reference software (ig.NET)
• M.Sc in Petroleum Geochemistry, Newcastle University, 2010
• M.Sc in Integrated Petroleum Geoscience, University of Aberdeen, 2007
• B.Sc. in Geology, Durham University, 2006
Selected Publications:
Farrimond P., Green A. & Williams L. (2015). Petroleum geochemistry of the Sea Lion Field, North Falkland Basin. Petroleum Geoscience 21, 125-135.